A Utility To Keep Your 7 days To Die Dedicated Server Updated
(and schedule server restarts, download and install new server files, and more!)
Discussion Forum Discord (active discussion is in Discord)
- Latest version: 7dtdServerUpdateUtility_v2.5.8 (2020-09-30) View readme.txt
- Beta version: 7dtdServerUpdateUtilityBeta_2.5.8 (2020-09-30) View BETA readme
- By Phoenix125 | http://www.Phoenix125.com | http://discord.gg/EU7pzPs | kim@kim125.com
- Based on Dateranoth's ConanExilesServerUtility-3.3.0 and 7dServerUtility | https://gamercide.org/
- Works with other managers.
- Easy to use and set up.
- New! Discord: Send server status, in-game chat messages, players join or leave, and game time.
- New! Backups. Partial and full server.
- New! Config window.
- Keeps server updated and running.
- Easily downloads, installs, and set up a new 7 Days To Die Dedicated Server.
- Send telnet & chat messages with a click.
- After updates, "(Almost) Future Proof" option adds 19 existing parameters to the new serverconfig.xml file to accommodate config changes during updates and can disable mod folder.
- Announce server updates and/or restarts in game, on Discord and Twitch.
- Works with all version: Public, Latest_experimental, and custom.
- Optionally automatically add version (ex: Alpha 17 (b240)) to server name with each update, so that users can quickly identify that you are running the latest version.
- Optionally automatically rename GameName to current version (ex: Alpha 17 b240) with each update, therefore saving old world while creating new world (aka: SERVER WIPE).
- KeepAlive Watchdog: Restarts frozen servers. Monitors for process, valid telenet, and query responses.
- Scheduled restarts.
- Remote restart (via web browser).
- Run multiple instances to manage multiple servers.
- Detailed logs.
- Watchdog: restart server on excessive memory use.
Latest Version: http://www.phoenix125.com/share/7dtdServerUpdateUtility.zip
Previous Versions: http://www.phoenix125.com/share/7dtdhistory/
Source Code (AutoIT): http://www.phoenix125.com/share/7dtdServerUpdateUtility.au3
GitHub: https://github.com/phoenix125/7dtdServerUpdateUtility
Readme.txt: http://www.phoenix125.com/share/readme.txt
Website: http://www.Phoenix125.com
Discord: http://discord.gg/EU7pzPs
- Based on Dateranoth's ConanExilesServerUtility-3.2.3 and ServerUtility